September 19, 2024 by
Sabah Alfarsi
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Early Intervention FAQ

What are the qualifications of the association’s staff? 

The center's minimum educational qualification is a diploma in special education

 What happens to my child after graduating from early intervention programs?

The association believes in the right of children to join regular schools, so we seek to work with the competent authorities and families for any opportunity to enroll children in basic education schools, specialized schools, or other rehabilitation centers.

Who are the children who are accepted into the center? 

The center receives children: From birth to 6 years. All disabilities except visual impairment (unless combined with another disability) Are there fees paid for the association’s services? All our services are free, except that there is a small fee paid for kindergarten uniforms and transporting children to and from kindergarten in order to instill commitment in families.

How to register at the center? 

You can contact the center directly to schedule an appointment by phone or email.

Who funds the center?

The association is based on donations from companies and individuals.

Can my child be integrated into regular schools?

Yes, every child has the right to education, but integration depends on the child’s condition and the evaluation of the Ministry of Education.

What does the association offer to children from outside Muscat Governor?

The association provides evaluation and consultation.

Do we have other branches of the association?

 There is no, but the association is pleased to provide technical support to any region in the Sultanate seeking to open a similar early intervention center.

Who has priority on the waiting list?

 Priority will be based on seniority in registration on the waiting list.

What does the association offer to schools and other institutions?

The association provides workshops for teachers in basic education schools and those working in associations and other specialized centers. It also provides an introductory presentation about the association in various institutions and bodies.

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