Association of Early Intervention for Children with Disability
The Association of Early Intervention is a non-profit charitable organization established in May 29, 2000 and depends (Relies) on donations from the private sector, individuals, schools, government, Charity boxes, and small contributions from families of children.
It is aimed at children with disabilities from birth until the age of nine, and covers their rehabilitation, social and psychological needs, daily life skills and training with the aim of enrolling children in regular schools if possible or developing their skills, and helping them adapt to their disabilities in various fields, to ensure a better quality of life for themselves and their families and integrate them into society. Association Early Intervention is the only association in the Sultanate of Oman that provides services to children with disabilities from birth.

Early Intervention
Early Intervention is an integrated system of programs, procedures and policies for children with disabilities and their families, aiming towards the early detection of disabilities, provide appropriate rehabilitation and improvement of the quality of life for the children and their families through support and education on how to best handle their children's disabilities; reducing the burden on the families by supporting them step by step and continuously.

Preparing Your Toddler for Daycare
Sending a toddler to daycare can be an intimidating experience for both parents and the child. But with some preparation and planning, you can make the transition easier. Here are three tips from our team at Association of Early Intervention for Children with Disability. on how to prepare your toddler daycare from our team at Association of Early Intervention for Children with Disability.
Ways To Support Us

Association membership is a powerful model. By empowering a wide range of people around our cause, the membership model enables our association to grow stronger, impact society, and have sustainable funding.

Sponsorship Programs
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sponsorships is a social conscious integrated into companies business model. Company’s community support through its CSR initiatives help the association to be sustainable and contribute towards the country’s vision to have a decent and sustainable life for all, including children with disabilities.

Internship & Volunteering
The association provides a platform and opportunities for volunteers, so they can positively impact the community. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place.

Book for a Visit :
We warmly invite schools and companies to visit the Association of
Early Intervention for Children with Disability. Discover the
inspiring work we do in supporting children with disabilities and how
we are creating a brighter future for them through early
intervention, specialized services, and community engagement.

to the association is not a business transaction. It is a connection
with disabled children. With your donation, we can improve the lives
of these children.
Association Services

Early Childhood and Family Guidance
The children are registered, and their needs is assessed to provide appropriate services for them. The social worker interviews the families and conducts a detailed case study to find out the case history and provide the necessary guidance to the parents. Families have learned about association from word of mouth, referral from government/private hospital, schools, Ministry of Social Development, printed material, and social media. The psychologist and supervisors from different sections will assess the child and interview the family and gives them the necessary guidance. Counseling family is a process of helping family members to understand family life, achieve family stability and happiness. After completing the detailed assessment process, the child is accepted into the association either in early childhood (from birth to 3 years) or day care (3 to 9 years).
Rehabilitation Section
A multidisciplinary team consisting of a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, psychologist /behavioral therapist, special education specialists, modified sports specialists, and other specialists as needed provides therapeutic services for children with disabilities in the rehabilitation section. They collaborate to paint a precise picture of the child's condition and requirements.
They then work as a team with the family to raise the child to the highest level of self-reliance in his many daily life activities. They plan jointly to meet them and reduce child aggravation. The group offers continuing family training and awareness activities in addition to extensive rehabilitation services for children.

The day care unit contains a group of special training classes for children from 3 to 9 years old. They are trained in different groups according to their cognitive and behavioral abilities and their mental age determined during the evaluation. The classrooms are equipped with materials and tools to help develop their skills and expand their imagination with an emphasis on large and small motor skills, expressive and receptive language skills, cognitive skills, social and emotional skills, self-help skills, sensory skills, technical skills and recreational skills. Children in the day care section also receive individual rehabilitation sessions from specialists.
Modified Sport Section:
Modified sports activities aim to develop the physical and motor fitness of the individual, help people with disabilities achieve mental and physical growth, and develop basic skills to meet the requirements of life, such as walking, running, changing direction, maintaining balance, developing neuromuscular coordination, developing a sense of the body’s various systems and a sense of place. Knowing the size and space in which the body moves and the possibility of its movement in the environment surrounding it, increasing one’s abilities through recreational practice and exploiting free time, acquiring cooperative behavior and developing love for the group, increasing attention and good behavior and thinking, increasing confidence in oneself and others, and relying on oneself in spending time. Different needs and not relying on others, with the possibility of living independently and relying on oneself.
Aquatic therapy is a safe environment for children with pain, neurological disorders, developmental delays, and even some types of injuries or orthopedic conditions. Whether the condition is acute or chronic, water allows you to move while supporting you. Providing relaxation and an opportunity to stretch muscles, improving muscle tone, improving strength, increasing circulation, improving joint range of motion, allowing freedom of movement due to varying weight bearing, and reducing discomfort associated with conditions such as cerebral palsy (CP).

Other Services:
- Assessment
- Assistive Devices Workshop
- Splints workshop
- An assistive device shop and supportive equipment
- Gait analysis and 3D printe
- Hearing test
- Training
Rehabilitation Statistic January-July 2024

Occupation Therapy

Special Education

Adequate Sports Activities

Psychological and Behavioral Therapy