Association Donation Causes

August 17, 2022 by
Association Donation Causes
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Rehabilitation Of A Child

Children with disabilities from birth require rehabilitation services in order to integrate them into community.

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Educational & Social Services For A Child

Children with disabilities require educational and social services to train the children daily life skills in order to integrate them into schools.

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Training Of Parents

Parents with children with disabilities require training (Portage Program) from birth to age 3 years to be able to work with their children at home.

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Transportation Of A Child

In order for a child to attend the rehabilitation He/She require transportation.

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Assessment Of A Child

For a child with disabilities from birth to get proper services He/She require full assessment in order to develop Individual Education Plan (IEP).

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Support In Developing & Buying Assistive Devices For Children

Children with disability require assistive device.

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Support In Buying Medical Shoes & AFO Shoes For Children

Children with disability require medical shoes and AFO shoes.

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Support In Conducting Gait Analysis Assessment & Insole Production For A Child

Children with disability require gait analysis assessment to improve gait and postural efficiency.

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Vocational Training For A Child

Children with disability require opportunity to develop their working skills.

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Donate through our other donation channels to help make a change in the futures of our children by empowering them to have better life

Donate Through SMS Messages

Donate Through Omantel:

join our monthly subscription donation program, "Donate," to 92958  with Omantel. By committing to donate just one Riyal every month, you can contribute to meaningful initiatives and make a difference in the lives of others

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Donate Through Ooredoo:

join our monthly subscription donation program, "Donate," to 80028  with Ooredoo Oman. By committing to donate just one Riyal every month, you can contribute to meaningful initiatives and make a difference in the lives of others.

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Donate through Scan and Pay

Donate Through OIFC

Please scan the QR Code with you mobile camera or click the button: Please Donate

Donate Through Talabat 

Please scan the QR Code with you mobile camera or click the button:Please Donate

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