International Applied Behavior Analysis Technician (ABAT) Certification Training:
The ability to work with children with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disorders is a vital skill in the field of care and rehabilitation for these children, especially in terms of behavioral support. Additionally, it is essential to understand and address behaviors exhibited by both children and adults, whether they are individuals with special needs or not. Hence, this course is of great importance, as it will contribute to refining trainees’ skills and developing their abilities to enhance the adaptive, behavioral, social, and psychological skills of both children and adults, ultimately fostering all aspects of developmental skills.
This can be achieved through the International Applied Behavior Analysis Technician course, which is one of the modern and internationally accredited courses from the American Board and is through theoretical training for a period of (40 hours) in addition to (15 hours) practical training and supervision.
Course Requirements
- High school diploma as a minimum or equivalent
- Motivation and desire to engage in behavioral rehabilitation with children and adults
Target group
- Work at rehabilitation and special education center
- Families of children with disabilities
- Teachers in schools and early child hood
- Any member in the community interested in ABAT
Course details
- One workshop per week for two hours and half
- Duration of theoretical training with practical supervision is 4 months
- Training is available in the morning and evening
- Workshop are available in the Morning/ Evening
- Training is available in Arabic
- Face to Face Training Starting Date: 15/04/2025 every Tuesday for 4 months Timing: Morning 9:00-12:30 Fees : 150 OMR
- Remote Training Starting Date : 16/4/2025 every Wednesday for 4 months Timing: Evening 7:00-9:00 Fees: 100 OMR
- Trainees can join the theoretical program (40 training hours) and receive a separate certificate
- If they wish to obtain the international accreditation certificate, they must enroll in the supervision and practical training program (15 hours) for an extra fees of 75 Omani rials.
- As for the American Board exam the payment will be directly to the their website the fee of 125 USD
Payment can be made at the Association of Early Intervention or through bank transfer to Bank Muscat, Account Number 0423010744980013
Please send the payment receipt to this number: 72727785
Dr. Muwaffaq Aql,

About the course presenter:
PhD in Special Education and Rehabilitation, holds the American International Board in Applied Behavior More than 20 years of field experience in development and training And holds many Analysis (QBA-IBA) international courses and licenses in the field of disability.